members. We should be able to fund the estimated $125,000 cost to disaffiliate from the United Methodist with funds in our savings accounts.
But this is only a small part of the discussion of the meeting. The real flavor of the meeting was First Methodist church’s love and service for others.
The Trustees reported that they are planning a new handicap ramp to be built on the Church street side of the sanctuary to make access from handicap parking much closer. The height and grade of the building is
lower there which will make entering the sanctuary much easier. The project was conceived after the loss of one of our most precious members, Jason Mills. Jason loved his church but had difficulty entering the building. This new ramp will be built in loving memory of Jason’s love for his Lord and his church.
Jonathan reported that the children and youth are helping to pack bags of school supplies for girls in
Ghana, Africa. This project will help to keep girls in school and is done in coordination with “Unto the Least
of His” ministries and our friend the Rev. Bobby Gale. They are also sending computers to help kids in
school in Costa Rica. Megan reported that we are sending ten children to camp this summer at Epworth by the
Sea. Many of these kids would not be able to go to camp if not for your generosity and love. There will be a
fund raiser Car Wash for the kids going to camp on April 22nd . Megan says you can pay to have your car
washed or pay the kids not to wash your car but either way we are fulfilling Jesus’ command to love and care
for children.
Shelley Gay with the UMW said that the ladies had taken up a special offering for the Methodist Children’s home. The question was asked if a disaffiliated Methodist church can still support the Methodist Children’s home and the other very worthy ministries we have supported over the years. The answer is a resounding Yes! It might even be that we can give more to these ministries than we have in the past. We are still the same church. A very loving and generous church that realizes that Jesus has called us to make a difference in this world. We know that we don’t all agree on the politics of any one particular denomination but we can agree to love and respect each precious member as well as everyone who comes in our doors. For this is what the authority of the scriptures and the love of Jesus commands us to do.
Pastor Allen